EU Blue Card
As a third-country citizen you may be granted an EU Blue Card, if you
- have completed a course of study at a university or other tertiary educational institution with a minimum duration of three years (exception: for Information and communications technology professionals and service managers, proof of at least three years of relevant professional experience is sufficient, if it is comparable to a university degree with at least three years of study and has been acquired within the last seven years prior to the application),
- have received a binding job offer for at least six months in Austria and the employment corresponds to your education,
- will earn at least the average gross annual income of full-time employees (in 2025: at least € 51,500; annual salery plus special payments),
- and the labour market test (Arbeitsmarktprüfung) shows that there is no equally qualified worker registered as a jobseeker with the Public Employment Service (AMS) available for the job.
For EU Blue Card applicants there is no points system.
The EU Blue Card is also available for person who are entitled to asylum or subsidiary protection in Austria.
Where to file the application?
Applications for an EU Blue Card may either be filed by yourself with the competent Austrian representation (embassy or consulate) in your home state or country of residence or, on the other hand, by your potential employer with the competent residence authority in Austria (local Provincial Governor’s Office (Landeshauptmann/Landeshauptfrau) or the duly authorised district administration bodies (Bezirkshauptmannschaft or Magistrat). Along with the application an employer’s declaration (Arbeitgebererklärung) has to be submitted, which is a written confirmation of the company on the conditions of employment of your job.
After legal entry and during the legal residence you may also file the application yourself with the abovementioned competent residence authority in Austria.
Please note:
If you want to make use of legal representation in your application procedure, please make sure that your Austrian representative is licensed to do so. Otherwise your representative cannot be accepted by the Austrian authorities.
Which documents to be filed?
The following documents, in particular, should be submitted for the issuance of a residence title:
- a valid travel document (e.g. passport)
- a photo (dimensions: 45x35mm) of the applicant, taken recently (six months ago or less)
- as applicable:
- marriage certificate
- divorce certificate
- certificate of registered partnership
- certificate of the dissolution of the registered partnership
- adoption papers
- evidence or certificate of the family relationship
- death certificate
- evidence of health insurance (compulsory insurance or a corresponding insurance policy)
- evidence of completion of a course of study at a university or other tertiary educational institution with a minimum duration of three years:
- certificate of successful graduation
- proof of the status of the university or other tertiary educational institution (Find more information about recognized degrees here.
- alternatively, in the information and communication technology sector, proof of at least three years of
relevant professional experience
comparable to a university degree with at least three years of study and
acquired within the last seven years prior to application:
- Testimonials
- work certificates
- employer’s declaration pursuant to the Act Governing the Employment of Foreign Nationals (AuslBG)
- for access to regulated professions: proof of entitlement to exercise the profession in Austria
The authority may also require you to submit other documents on a case by case basis.
For example, many authorities require the submission of an extract from police records (or a certificate of good standing) in case of first time applications. If this is submitted with the application it can help to speed up the application procedure.
Please note:
You have to submit originals and copies of the above-mentioned documents. If the documents are not available in German or English, translations into German or English must be provided. For review purposes, the authority may eventually require legalized versions of the documents.
Do I have to go through a formal recognition procedure in Austria?
Formal recognition is ONLY required for so-called regulated professions. By law, regulated professions can only be practised if the corresponding qualifications have been formally recognised. This applies, for example, to all health professions, to employment as a teacher at a public school, as a nursery school teacher or as a lawyer.
The website can help you find out whether your profession is regulated in Austria and, if so, which body is responsible for recognition.
If you apply for a Red-White-Red card, your qualifications will be checked on the basis of the documents you submit.
When will an EU Blue Card be issued?
The Austrian representation or residence authority will forward your application and supporting documents to the Public Employment Service (AMS). The AMS will examine whether
- a course of study with a minimum duration of three years was completed or whether information and communications technology professionals or service managers have at least three years of relevant professional experience comparable to a university degree with at least three years of study and acquired within the last seven years prior to application,
- the salary conforms to the statutory minimum salary mentioned above, and
- no equally qualified workers registered as jobseekers are available for the position in question.
If all requirements are fulfilled, the AMS will send a confirmation to the residence authority, which will consequently issue the EU Blue Card, provided that the other requirements (except for locally customary accommodation and adequate means of subsistence) are met. If the application is granted, you will be informed by the residence authority. In case of visa requirement you have to apply for a visa D (Visum D) in order to enter Austria and collect the residence title.
The EU Blue Card entitles you to fixed-term settlement and employment with a specific employer. It is issued for a validity of 24 months. You can also work self-employed, if this additional employment is subsidiary to your main employment and all other legal requirements are fulfilled.
When will a Red-White-Red Card plus be issued?
Holding an EU Blue Card you may apply for a Red-White-Red Card plus with the competent residence authority in Austria (Provincial Governor (Landeshauptmann) or the duly authorised district administration bodies (Bezirkshauptmannschaft or Magistrat), if you were employed in accordance with the eligibility criteria for the EU Blue Card for at least 21 months during the preceding 24 months.
The Public Employment Service (AMS) conducts the examination. The Red-White-Red Card plus entitles you to fixed-term settlement and unlimited labour market access (not limited to a specific employer).
Further information on the Red-White-Red Card plus can be found here.
Further information and useful links
- Application: € 120
- Granting: € 20
- Costs of personalisation (fingerprints, scan of photography and signature): € 20
Laws and provisions
- Settlement and Residence Act (in German, NAG – Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz)
- Act Governing the Employment of Foreign Nationals (649 KB PDF)
- Visa requirements (German)
- Austrian representations
- Competent residence authorities in Austria
- Professional Recognition in Austria
- Contact point (recognition of qualifications)
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